Super moon promotion: 35% discount

Super moon promotion: 35% discount

Posted at 29-09-2023 14:30 by Gnome Wesley


This Friday we have ourselves the fourth and last Super Moon of the year, called Harvest Moon. Since our Gnome Wesley has traveled to the Moon several times on his rocket ship, we think this is the best moment for you to experience the moon in full size for yourselves.

The moon will by on a distance of approximately 360678km away from earth during this Super Moon, as the furthest distance of the moon to earth is approximately 405000 km, this means the moon is closer to earth as the same amount it takes for you to travel around the earth.

That's why: as of right now until Friday 6th of October 2023 (12:00 CET), you'll get a a big phat 35% discount.

Click the button below to get your discount right away:

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Now let's hope the clouds will not get in our way.

May the Moon be with you!