Why TurboUsenet

Ultra connected

Our network is super connected. We connect to over a dozen tier-1 transit providers.

High speeds

Our service is uncapped. The only limit is your network. Are you up to the test?


We offer 50 connections to our network. Super stable. Faster than the speed of light.


Retention is 3478 days and counting.

Easy to set up

Setting up your client is easy! Click the button below to see how you need to setup your client.











Paying us is SO easy

We currently have 10 payment methods. Every now and then we're adding payment methods that are suitable to our audience. Are you looking for a new payment method? Shoot us a line and we'll make sure to look into it.

Cockpits are nice

We have an outer space Control Panel. Feel like the pilot of your own spaceship. Graphs, charts and techy nerd-stuff included.
  • Change personal details
  • Setup an avatar
  • Update your password
  • An advanced ticket system
  • One-click newsletter status
  • Check your traffic
  • Reader setup
  • Connection manager
  • And much more

Safety first!

We like staying safe. We like it when our passwords and other data are secured. We actually like it so much that we're checking our own security on a regular base. Here's what we do to secure your data:

SSL only website access
256 AES encrypted passwords
SSL on all our plans
Automagic random passwords
We do NOT sell/give information to third parties