International Asteroid Day promotion: 35% discount

International Asteroid Day promotion: 35% discount

Geplaatst op 28-06-2023 12:00 door Gnome Wesley


On June 30 (This Friday), International Asteroid Day will have everyone looking toward the skies; can you see our Gnome Wesley heading towards us on that big asteroid? :-) The International Asteroid Day was founded after the release of the film 51 Degrees North in 2014, which explores what would happen if an asteroid were to strike London. The film’s creative team wanted to raise more awareness about the threat of asteroids to earth, and how we can help protect ourselves.

Raising awareness about everything that is happening in the skies is something we encourage, that's why: as of right now until Wednesday 5th of July 2023 (12:00 CET), you'll get a a big phat 35% discount.

Click the button below to get your discount right away:

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Happy sky scanning this Friday!

May the Turbo be with you!