Quarter Moon promotion: 35% discount

Quarter Moon promotion: 35% discount

Geplaatst op 28-01-2023 12:00 door Gnome Wesley


With the Quarter Moon, which looks like half the Moon, we can see exactly the half of the Moon's face illuminated from Earth. Sometimes it also gets confusing to remember which “Quarter” we are seeing: The Moon appears lit on the right half of the Moon during the First Quarter.

The Quarter Moon fase is the next fase after the New Moon and before the Full Moon fase. Which then the Moon is in between the distance of which the New Moon is closest to Earth and Full Moon is the furthest away from Earth. To give you some stats about that:

  • Quarter Moon distance from Earth = ± 385.000 km
  • New Moon distance from Earth = ± 364.000 km
  • Full Moon distance from Earth = ± 405.000 km

That's why: from now until Saturday 4th of February 2023 (12:00 CET), you'll get a a big phat 35% discount.

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Happy moon!

May the Turbo be with you,